Yesterday I had an off-the-air conversation with a skeptical (but still Christian) radio host. We were discussing faith and apologetics when he asked me a really fascinating question: Let’s say you’re dying. You know you have only one week left to live. You have been a Christian for most of your life but in recent…

Yesterday was the first day back to school for my kids, both of whom are in elementary school. As a parent, this time of year is always a struggle for me. On one hand, I like returning to the more rigid schedule that the school year brings. Bedtimes are earlier, for one thing — which…

I’ve been asked by several churches and individual readers whether or not there was a discussion guide available for O Me of Little Faith. Until today, the answer was, “No. Not yet.” Which is totally my fault. But today, the answer is “Yes, in fact, there IS a downloadable and printable study guide, and it’s…

Christian radio host Harold Camping says Jesus is coming back in nine months: May 21, 2011. Then the world will end, according to his calculations, on October 21, 2011. He’s been announcing this on his Family Radio broadcasts for several years. The good news is that we won’t have to deal with that pesky 2012…

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