Mercury is sort of the Rodney Dangerfield of the Solar System: it gets no respect. In astrology Mercury rules all sorts of things that you couldn’t get by without, like thought and language and logic and respiration. You’d think something like that would get more recognition, but sadly it doesn’t. I sometimes wonder if this…

(Mercury Retrograde is in effect until July 1st… CLICK HERE to learn more about dealing with it) Mercury continues its backwards march through Gemini, bringing with it cluttered thinking and a tendency to grasp at the wrong solution to difficult issues. Don’t feel too bad if the process has made you make unwise decisions, though:…

(Are you prepared for the craziness of this week’s Full Moon? Click HERE for the forecast!) Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for mis-communications of all kinds. As an astrologer, I constantly finding myself doing two conflicting things about Mercury retrograde: warning people of its perils, and assuring people that it’s no big deal. On Saturday,…

Mercury Retrograde is once more approaching, and astrology fans everywhere are warming up their excuses for all things Mercury related — phone calls, e-mails, commerce, short trips, signing contracts, elevators, parsley, farmer’s markets, wi-fi connections — to go wonky. But although Mercury doesn’t actually go retrograde until Saturday, you have my permission to start blaming…

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