Mars in Capricorn is approaching the conjunction with Pluto and the square with Uranus, and that aspect will be in effect for most of November, reaching the exact degree on the 10th. Mars represents a lot of the impulses that society has a problem with, like sex and violence. Mars interacting with Pluto and Uranus in…

After an epic-length stay in Libra fretting over relationships, and then a relatively quick and somewhat cranky run through Scorpio, Mars enters Sagittarius on Saturday, where it will remain until October 26th. Of course Mars can make trouble for you no matter where it goes, but I can’t help but think this will be a relatively…

Sometimes I come across a case that is an absolute classic of old-school astrology. Modern astrologers, myself included, love to speak of the birth chart as a collection of potentials. They are the essential toolkit that your free will was provided with when you were born. No one wants to be told that “you have…

“Everything happens for a reason.” -That clerk from the New Age bookstore “Shut up and give me a refund on this crystal ball. My future stinks!” -Me After a lengthy retrograde period, Mars is finally turning direct and moving forward through Libra again. Mars in Libra already has a reputation for not being the most…

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