Hello folks. Yes I’ve been away a while. Don’t worry: I’ll make it all up to you in the next week as I go over the astrology of 2015 in all its glorious detail. We will be covering the ongoing effects of the Uranus Pluto square, the Eclipses, and oh yes… Saturn in Sagittarius too.…

Even though in many ways my life is going pretty well, I feel a vice-like grip crushing my soul. Astrologers aren’t any more objective about themselves than anyone else is about themselves, when you get right down to it. If a client of mine with my birth chart came to me and asked about this,…

W.E. writes, asking about scheduling a reading: Let’s be honest: my ridiculous love life and concomitant questions about What Am I Doing With Myself? are not an emergency situation (I’m not being sarcastic; I really mean that!) Wait. Stop right there. Yes it is… in the sense that “an emergency” is something of prime importance…

A lot of people don’t really know what it is an astrologer can do for them. There’s a lot more to it than just “writing horoscopes.” Here’s what I do during a consultation… or as astrologers usually call it, “a reading.” First (and most importantly) an astrologer can help you understand what resources you have…

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