Welcome back to the exciting final round of “Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?” Today’s contestant, Gemini, is on the verge of walking away with the Grand Prize… true love! Now Gemini, all you have to do is answer one question correctly. The cash value of the question reflects the degree of difficulty involved.…

As much as a cliche as it might be, I still find that when an Aries approaches me about their love life, the question may be “Is so-and-so my soul mate?” or “Should I continue to pursue whatshisface?”… but the real question is “how much of a fight am I going to have to put…

(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.) Oh, Love: so rare, so precious, so damned annoying… at least (potentially) from the perspective of  Venus in Gemini and Venus in Cancer. Venus in Gemini loves being in love as much as the next guy (and enjoys the chase) but…

(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.) For thousands of years poets and philosophers have commented on the complexities of the human heart and how difficult it can be to find True Love — and that was before people had to remember their username and password on a…

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