(Looking for a fun and easy way to learn what Astrology can REALLY do for you? CLICK HERE for details. Classes starting soon!) Sure, you’ll be feeling nice and energetic for a while after Sunday’s New Moon in Leo. With luck and a little planning, you had the time to sit down and tell the Universe at…

Bad news, everyone: it appears we may all be stuck with this place a little longer than we had hoped. Scientists have announced the first habitable exoplanet discovered, Gliese 581, may not be a planet at all, but simply a misinterpretation of the data. Yes, I am as disappointed as the rest of you, and…

We are coming off of a particularly raucous Full Moon. There’s all sorts of cosmic pushing and pulling and jockeying for position going on in the coming two weeks: Jupiter enters Leo, Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio, and the Saturn Uranus quincunx is happening. Keep checking back here and I’ll have updates on those for…

This is a general forecast for everyone, but oh my dear Aries and Cancers and Libras and Capricorns, and those of you with major placements in those Signs: it is most especially for you. *** We are now in the three-day period overshadowed by the Full Moon, which peaks on Saturday. Odds are very good…

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