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Also known as: The House of Marriage and Partnerships

What it rules in your life: Just as the First House is “you,” — what others see, and the filter through which you perceive others — the 7th House is “the other guy.” It isn’t just “your soul mate,” but also relationships in general, close friends, and business partners. The Seventh House affects your perception of these and indicates in part what you’re looking for in a mate.

(No matter what transits are happening, how they play out in your life depends on your individual birth chart. Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and I’ll send you a copy and a free sneak preview!)

What it rules in an organization or mundane chart: relations with other organizations, lawsuits, and legal matters.

How the placement of the ruler affects it:

Ruler of the Seventh House in the First House: This placement makes solid relationships perhaps a little more important to you than they are to the “average” person. You’re probably good at social “peacekeeping” activities and diplomacy, but that can sometimes come at the cost of caving in too much in order to maintain that peace.

Ruler of the Seventh House in the Second House: You have a distinct need for “security” in a relationship. That can take different forms: sometimes that means you want a mate with money in the bank, and sometimes that means you have to have someone who believes the same things you do and who isn’t going to go astray.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Third House: You’re looking for someone you can communicate with and share your ideas with, and build upon those things. Often this will be someone you can do business with, or that you met at or because of work. And yes: communication is important, but that means LISTENING too sometimes.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Fourth House: This placement will tend to make you look for someone you can have a secure sense of “home” with. Freud was of the opinion that we all find mates who reflect our parental issues — this may be especially true of you. You need someone who gives you a sense of safety and stability.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Fifth House: You need to have a mate you can have fun with and who has a similar creative outlook to your own. Sometimes you’ll end up playing a strong supporting role in your partner’s activities rather than that partner sharing those things equally. There can also be a tendency to “marry in haste.”

Ruler of the Seventh in the Sixth House: Your partner should also be your collaborator, and you often do best with partners who you can work with, literally or figuratively. Often, a partner’s health matters will take on particular significance. Relationships are more likely to work out if the surroundings they take place in are calm, rational and orderly.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Seventh House: One way or another, “partnership” is a particularly big Life Issue for you. You have a natural talent for relating to people and at seeing the other guy’s side of an issue… sometimes at the expense of your own happiness. With the right partner though, your already significant potential in this life will become much greater.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Eighth House: Your relationships are deep… possibly too deep for comfort. The people you are closest to are often unnerving reflections of your own issues… or your natural need to dig deeper into their issues can make others uncomfortable with you. Sex is particularly important in romantic relationships.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Ninth House: You need a relationship based on common philosophical principles, and yet you are often drawn to people who are (literally or figuratively) “foreign” to you and your understanding of life. A relationship should be a source of mutual growth, and making that a deliberate part of your relationship will help immensely.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Tenth House: Your partner helps you form a larger image of who you are in this world. You would do well working together, but need to be cognizant of the need for separate identities in that regard. Have common goals, but individual tasks. This is also a classic placement for meeting your mate at or through work.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Eleventh House: Being a friend first and foremost to your mate is important… in fact if you have that quality you can ignore a lot of the flaws. You need to be both free within yourself and within the bounds of the relationship to express your own identity in order for a relationship to work. Having similar groups of friends and work also helps.

Ruler of the Seventh in the Twelfth House: On the one hand you can love your partner truly and deeply, but on the other hand sometimes you just need to be left the hell alone. You have compassion for your mate, but need to be careful that you aren’t just in love with that person’s Inner Wounded Child. Ideally, your partnerships should reflect the things you love about Humanity in general.

Things the House rules you might not have expected: open enemies, side trips when you’re on a vacation, kidneys (along with Venus).

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