CR asks: Can you pick a time and date for me so I win at the lottery?
Answer: Yes, and the answer is “nope.” A better question might be “can you tell me a time when I’m more likely to win the lottery?“… in which case, the answer would be “yes, absolutely, but so what?”
Let me explain. Astrology is able to predict a lot of things in advance, including times of both “good fortune” (in the “life is good” sense) and “good fortune” (in the “more likely to win the lottery” sense). Armed with the correct knowledge of astrological techniques and your date, time and place of birth, an astrologer could in fact significantly improve your odds of winning at the lottery. I’ve done some digging into this myself, and so have others, with some very interesting results that tend to back that very contention.
In part, it boils down to the placement of Jupiter and Uranus in your birth chart. Jupiter is generally considered to be the planet that rules “luck,” and Uranus is the ruler of “freaky circumstances.” Furthermore, the location of Uranus at the time of the win is important. So, right there we know that the probability of any one birth chart (that is, person) winning at the lottery is pretty slim. Second, one must wait for the right time to play.
But: here’s the real problem. A typical lottery ticket has about a one in fourteen million chance of winning. Yes, if you buy a hundred lottery tickets, your odds are much better… but still not very good. Think of it this way: the average healthy adult breathes about 12 times per minute, which works out to 17,2780 breaths per day. If you bought a lottery ticket every time you inhale, it would take you about 27 months to buy 14 million lottery tickets… 13,983,816 to get every possible combination for a 6 numbers from 1 to 49 lottery. Because lotteries are run by people who have studied the Dark Art of Mathematics, that lottery is likely to have a prize significantly smaller than the nearly fourteen million bucks you spent on the tickets. Either that or (more likely) the prize will be a function of the total money spent by both you and other players, so you’ll likely end up splitting the prize with someone else who picked the right combination too… and that prize money will partly be your own money you spent on the tickets in the first place.
Let’s say that an astrologer can improve your chances of winning tenfold… which I for one don’t think is at all unreasonable. It’s certainly better than the odds of getting The James Randi Educational Foundation to accept the Ten Dollar Challenge to defend their phony-baloney anti-astrology e-book (prove me wrong JREF!). But it’s still not really good enough.
Put another way: lots of casinos have gone out of business because of mismanagement (I’m looking at you, Donald Trump), but how many have ever gone out of business simply because they paid out too much in prize money? And come to think of it, with the very Laws Of Probability on your side, how the heck do you bankrupt a casino anyway? Clearly there are still many mysteries to how the Universe operates, like the mechanism by which astrology works… or the fact that Donald Trump has a reputation for being a business genius. Go figure.
So, sure: if you’ve worked out your transits properly, and you’ve got the cash to spare, go ahead and buy a lottery ticket if you like. Doing the math in advance will improve you chances of winning, but really… doing the math in advance should keep you from hoping for too much from it in the first place.
However, if what you want is help and timing for your love life, advice about handling your mate or career guidance or advice about your education or health or home… those are things I can help you with, gladly.
PS: Your Lucky Numbers today are: √-1, π, and 23.