beliefnet astrology matthew currie predicting the future
Our future cyborg overlords await!

WV asks: “So when you see things to worry about in my future, can I change it?”


Answer: Yes… but you’ll have to make an effort.


Even if you aren’t a huge science fiction geek like I am, at one point or another you’ve probably encountered a story involving time travel, where someone either tries to change the past, or tries to make changes to prevent an unpleasant future. If you’ve seen many of those stories, you know that a lot of them end up with some sort of variation on “You can’t change things because that’s how things are supposed to turn out anyway” or “Surprise! You efforts to change the outcome actually were what caused that outcome in the first place!” or whatever. Fortunately, it seems that your astrological transits, if you understand them, are a bit more flexible than that.


In preparing for my upcoming online course on Predicting With Astrology, I’ve found myself re-visiting a lot of the old questions about Free Will versus Fate, and how the art and science of predicting the future can affect how things actually turns out. It’s not exactly like what physicists call The Observer Effect — where the mere act of watching something happen affects what happens — but in some ways, it’s like that. The analogy I often use is that it’s like thinking to take an umbrella when the weatherman warns you that it’s going to rain soon… but as the years go on and I grow more into the practice of astrology, it seems to me that the umbrella analogy is a little incomplete too.


Looking at transits is in fact a bit like looking at a weather map… in their original raw and un-analyzed form, they don’t come marked with clever little cartoon rain clouds and happy Suns. Once you’ve gotten used to them though, you don’t really need those, and you can usually tell that if a storm cell is moving southwest from Dayton, Ohio at 20 MPH at 11 AM, it’s likely to be raining in Cincinnati by the afternoon. Likewise, if Saturn is approaching the square to your 7th House ruler and Pluto is conjunct your Venus, there’s likely to be difficulties in your marriage ahead. But of course, you can take an umbrella, and of course perfect weather prediction is impossible, but there’s a high probability that you should start smoothing things out with your mate now, so that when the trouble hits, things don’t spiral out of control.


At the same time, visualize and affirm all you like… you still can’t move the planets out of their courses (sorry Rhonda Byrne, even you aren’t THAT good).  You can plan ahead for difficult aspects and blunt their effect, but they’re still going to happen. You can bring your umbrella to the company picnic, but the ball game is still gonna get cancelled. That, and even when one sees approaching difficulties, it can be hard sometimes to change course.


Perhaps the single best use one can get out of looking at your future transits is to take advantage of the good times coming up. Bad news always gets the headlines, but Good News is easy to miss: a Jupiter Trine can be a fantastic opportunity for self-improvement, and even for making money or advancing your career, but they’re usually so “soft” that they don’t get any attention at all… and the improvements you make during the Jupiter Trine can soften the blow when the inevitable Saturn Square comes your way.


So to summarize: take an umbrella, plan ahead, and call your astrologer!

Questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general? Write me… I’ve got answers!

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