
HABIT #3: Think on noble things.



“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

If you live off of steady diet of of fast food, Krispy Kreme, Coca-Cola and energy drinks with a couple of cans of Easy Cheese sprinkled in, you shouldn’t be surprised when your body starts to break down on you. If you put junk food in your body, you will get junk food results. Every time. If you put healthy food in your body, your body will be healthier.

The exact same principle applies to your mind. When you put ‘junk food’ thoughts in your mind, then don’t be surprised when your mind is the mental equivalent of the overweight sloth who can’t be bothered to get out of bed in the morning. But if you are intentional to put healthy thoughts, clean thoughts, pure thoughts, noble thoughts into your mind, then your inner person will become healthy and vibrant, ready to take on the world. That’s what Philippians 4 is telling us here. Think on noble things. That’s the third habit in the Philippians 4 Challenge that we’ll be working on over the next few weeks.



Share in the comments below and answer this question, “How healthy is your mind diet?” On a scale of 1 (way too much mental junk food) to 10 (I only think noble thoughts), where do you fall?



God, help me think on noble things. Help me cut out mental junk food and only put things into my mind that will nourish my mind and soul. Amen.



Do a B.M.I. (Body Mass Index) for your mind today. See how quickly you can notice five different times today when you’re allowing your mind to digest mental junk food, things that are unhealthy for you.

After you’re done, encourage others to do the same! Help spread the word about the Philippians 4 Challenge by using #phil4challenge on social media!

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