
Extra Credit: Give generously.



“As you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid more than once when I was in need. . . I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:14-15,18-19

The whole occasion for the entire book of Philippians was a generous gift that the church had sent the apostle Paul to cover his living expenses. Giving was at the heart of who they were. A content heart is one that gives because it does not need to take. This is where Christianity gets fun and where your life takes on a greater purpose. When you’re so at peace with yourself that you can turn outward towards others, your influence will begin to expand exponentially.

What do you have to give? To whom can you give what God has given you? Who can you bless? Who can you serve? To whom can you share the peace and contentment that is beginning to well up within you?

Don’t keep this newfound joy to yourself. Pay it forward. Pass it onto someone who needs it. Give generously.



How did you do with your ‘Live It’ challenge yesterday to be intentional to start healing relationships with those around you? Did you take an intentional step towards making things right with those around you? Share your story here!



God, thank you for my growth and transformation these past three weeks. Thank you for renewing my mind. May this simply be the beginning of the new ‘me.’



Do a random act of kindness for someone today. Spread the joy!

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