I remember when my oldest child was a baby/toddler I would make grand announcements to my friends–“He is sleeping through the night!” “He is potty trained!” “He is a brat!”—only to find out the next day that I was…uh…wrong. Simply put, there is nothing we can count on except for change. Two days ago I…

In My Happy Place (uh…that being my life) I have three actual Happy Places.  These are magical spots where (sing that “Cheers” song with me!) everybody knows my name..and they’re always glad I came.  I can count on these spots–no matter how bad I’m feeling–to feel good. The General Store: The General Store is the…

“Mom, can I go pet that black and white cat on the other side of the fence?” “UUGH-GRRRR-PFFFFT” “What was that, Mom?” “UUGH-GRRRR-PFFFFT” <<giggle, giggle>> “I’ll take that as a ‘YES!'” and off she bounds to whisper private words of love and connection to the skittish-but-loving, too-skinny,  juvenile cat. I’m known around town as the…

“If you had told me five years ago we would be going on a cruise, I would have laughed at you and told you that was for ‘rich folk'”, Joe says as he flips his suitcase open with his finger and begins to pack. That statement makes me construct an image of us now and…

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