Imagine what the world would be like if generosity, kindness, and wisdom prevailed over greed, hatred, and ignorance.  We would devote our resources to education, science, creativity, wellness, and infrastructure rather than spending on defense. Instead of destroying the infrastructure of Iraq and Afghanistan and rebuilding it poorly, we could use that largess to benefit…

Folk wisdom asks if the glass is half-empty or half-full. The optimist sees it as half-full, focusing on the positive; the pessimist sees it as half-empty, focusing on the negative. Yet, if you really think about it, the glass is always full — full of water and air. The perspective of air and water shifts…

Meditation can happen in any moment of your day. It can happen while you are taking your shower, walking to work, and eating your lunch. There are many opportunities to meditate including doing a formal practice where you are doing nothing other than meditation. Something that is always happening now is that you are breathing.…

Speaking of smiling. Check out this seven minute talk and you can’t help but smile :-). Ron Gutman makes a quick and convincing case for the super powers of smiling. A few interesting numbers: Kids smile on average 400/day (not so many for adults) One smile packs the pleasure payload of 2000 bars of chocolate…

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