Photo Credit: Bruce Post

This is the Exquisite Mind Studio in Burlington, Vermont as captured on a sunny day. One of the members of our community, Bruce Post, took this photo and called it “Waiting.” The pregnant emptiness that precedes the group sitting.

We spend much of our lives waiting, breathing in the transition spaces between things. Or we may be holding our breath at those times, constrained as we resist what is happening or might happen.

The invitation to sit can be an invitation to relax into this moment, a place to land when uncertainty besets us (which seems to be just about always).

The Thursday evening introductory program at the Studio is moving from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, starting this week, February 2nd. As before, I’ll give a dharma talk, guide an approximately thirty minute meditation, and then we’ll have time for discussion.

If you are local to Burlington, Vermont, or are passing through, please join us.

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