A Touch of Encouragement

A teenage lesson about love.

Dear Friends, We’re making plans for the New Year and for new videos, and I want to know: what do you think of our website and what do you want to see? Please take a moment to click on the link below and fill out the short questionnaire; it will take less than five minutes…

The humble king who inspired this Christmas carol.

It’s the little things that count at Christmas. After you watch this video, scroll down the page to check out “A Small Gift from A Touch of Encouragement,” a new text post from Martha.

Happy December, dear Friends! If your month is anything like mine, it’s busy, busy, busy. The economic crisis has challenged us all to downsize and re-think gift-giving, which has been a good thing, I think. It forces me to be more creative and more personal. Instead of the shiny store-bought presents for family and friends,…

A courageous story of tea, sympathy, and never giving up. For more information please visit www.rosetreecottage.com

Bringing peace into our hearts this Christmas season.

A classic song for troubling times.

Cherishing Thanksgiving memories past and present.

A lonely college kid receives a Thanksgiving care package just in time.

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