A Touch of Encouragement

Is there something you need to let go of?

Is God enough? Do you knock on wood, thank your lucky stars, and read your horoscope too?

Surviving the worst economic times through God and good people.

Does your faith have something in common with an old silver dollar?

What’s your recipe for a great 2009?

How do you answer someone who says “I feel worthless”? Watch “A Midnight Talk With God” to read the viewer’s comment Martha responds to in this video.

Martha’s tough answer to a sad question.

A special homemade Christmas wish from us at A Touch of Encouragement.

Hey! It’s Christmas! So, what are you doing at the computer? I was hoping you’d be having dinner with your family or your friends, or maybe opening presents, or on your way out to someone’s house for turkey. But if you’re not, then I’m guessing you logged on because you really DID need a touch…

A mother’s surprise note leaves a family something to remember. Watch “The Secret Ingredient“ and read the viewer’s comment Martha responds to in this video.

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