Christmas Eve or Christmas Day [Re-light the three purple candles and the pink candle] We Celebrate the Birth of Christ In the season of Advent we have used the Advent wreath and its candles to help us get ready for this great celebration of the birth of Christ. When we lit the first purple candle,…

The Lighting of the Fourth Candle: Waiting for the Son For the Fourth Sunday of Advent (or thereabouts) [Re-light two purple candles and the pink candle.] We Remember the Meaning of Advent Advent is a word that means “coming” or “visit”.  In the Christian season of Advent we prepare for the “advent” of Christ at…

This is an excerpt from my Advent Devotional Guide that uses the Advent wreath. If you have a real wreath, you can use it, either alone, or with others. If you don’t have a wreath, follow this guide, and you can “light” the Advent candle for today online. (I originally wrote this guide for families…

This is an excerpt from my Advent Devotional Guide that uses the Advent wreath. If you have a real wreath, you can use it, either alone, or with others. If you don’t have a wreath, follow this guide, and you can “light” the Advent candle for today online. (I originally wrote this guide for families…

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