Would you like to have access to literally hundreds of articles and audio clips that help you relate your faith to your work? If so, then you should check out TheHighCalling.org.
If you visit my website very often, no doubt you’ve noticed my “Sunday Inspiration from The High Calling” posts. These, as you may know, are borrowed from another website, TheHighCalling.org. I write a Daily Reflection for this website, a sister ministry to Laity Lodge and part of the work of Foundations for Laity Renewal. On Sunday I borrow the Reflection I wrote for TheHighCalling.org and post it on my site. Yes, it’s a bit of double dipping. 

Today I want to draw your attention to TheHighCalling.org, which continually impresses me with the quality and diversity of its content. I can say this without blushing or boasting because, other than the Daily Reflections and a rare article, I am not responsible for what goes up on TheHighCalling.org. This responsibility lies in the capable hands of my colleagues, Dan Roloff and Marcus Goodyear, under the overall guidance of our Director of Communications, Keith Mirrer.
Today, TheHighCalling.org features a radio spot by Howard E. Butt, Jr., founder of Laity Lodge. These radio spots usually feature an attention-grabbing story that illustrates some feature of “the high calling of our daily work.” They’re good for personal inspiration (also for sermon illustrations!).
One of my favorite elements of TheHighCalling.org is the interview. During the past six years, this website has included original interviews by leading Christians in a wide variety of fields, including: Eugene Peterson (theologian and Bible translator), T.D. Jakes (pastor), Ralph Winter (Hollywood producer), Ashley Cleveland (Grammy award winning singer), Wayne Huizenga, Jr. (owner of the Miami Dolphins), Francis Collins (now head of the National Institutes of Health), and Makoto Fujimura (world-renowned artist). The current interview is of Barbara Brown Taylor, most recently author of Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith.
Each week TheHighCalling.org includes helpful articles, Bible studies, and personal reflections, all having to do with the relationship between faith and work. Then there’s Rambin’ Dan’s blog. Right now he’s musing about the relationship between leadership and power. Howard Butt’s blog regularly features excerpts on his writings on a wide range of subjects.
If you would like to be notified through email concerning the ever-changing content of TheHighCalling.org, you can sign up for updates. You’ll get my Daily Reflection each morning in your inbox, and a weekly report of what’snew on the website.
I should mention that everything on TheHighCalling.org is free, except for a few items sold in the online bookstore. The purpose of this site is to get helpful information connecting faith and work to people, no strings attached.
I hope you’ll visit TheHighCalling.org today, and make it a regular stop on your Internet explorations.
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