Barry, I disagree that “any sensible health care reform” is going to have to cover, as you call it “reproductive health care,” or as I would say, “abortion.”  Americans do not want their federal dollars paying for abortions.  Let me set the facts straight.    You cite polling numbers from the pro-abortion groups Guttmacher Institute…

In an effort to revamp the nation’s health care system, there’s a troubling development underway in the legislative process  Congress is considering health care legislation that would identify abortion as a health ‘benefit’ and mandate coverage of abortion services in national health care plans.    That’s right – abortion would be considered a mandatory health…

Jay, give me a break.  Four of the nine Justices of the Supreme Court yesterday reached the same conclusion that Judge Sonia Sotomayor did as a judge on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.  The other five reached an alternative conclusion.  So, are you suggesting that Judge Sotomayor is out of the judicial mainstream?  Or…

It is a compelling scene – thousands in the streets of Iran – calling for freedom – fighting for free and fair elections.  And, Barry, what is most troubling – but not necessarily surprising – is the Iranian regime’s reaction – the use of deadly violence to quell the protests and a flagrant disregard for…

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