Barry,   I would not use that label to identify the President.  I will say, however, that President Obama continues to embrace and promote pro-abortion policies that many Americans strongly disagree with.   Take the outcome of the election – an unmistakable repudiation of the President’s policies. As columnist George Will put it, “This election…

Jay, I think you would agree with me that businesses have the right to hire and fire as they see fit. Fox News, per usual, has manufactured a controversy here, and that’s all there is to it. But since you mentioned you believe Juan Williams’ had the “right to express a thought,” I’d like to…

Barry, You?   One of “Satan’s imps” ???    No way.  More like a….witty, fearless – yet misguided – member of the Religious Left.  Barry, no one is trying to redefine those precious terms of “liberty” and “freedom.”  Why is it when conservative Americans step forward and express concerns about the direction the country is taking –…

Barry,   Even with a flawed federal district court decision declaring the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional, prayer events are taking place coast-to-coast on this National Day of Prayer – as they should.   With this year’s event got more attention because of the court decision, I remain confident that the government’s appeal to the…

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