In My Afternoons with Margueritte (2010, France), Germain is warm hearted, but he is dismissed by his pub friends in almost every sentence they speak. He is thought of as the “village idiot”. But he is warm hearted. His mother criticized the boy’s intelligence and ability to fulfill everyday tasks. Germain, as an older man,…

Movie commentary The superheroes of Captain America Civil War (2016, USA) won’t have the freedom to protect and save under their conditions if they sign a United Nations ratification that allows the UN to decide how the superheroes engage enemies. The superheroes are invited to engage enemies that threaten international security as the UN decides.…

Movie commentary/review Garry Marshall has been directing movies about special days recently. Whatever the reason for that, I do not know, but it has a nice cogency about it. His last two movies were New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day and his latest is called Mother’s Day (2016, USA). Marshall also has a penchant for…

There was a story I heard in the course of a conversation that reminded me of the sentimental favorite Beaches (1988, USA), directed by Garry Marshall, sister of Penny (Penny directed the Tom Hanks favorite Big the same year). The person who told me the story had a strong liking to see the movie because…

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