Of all the films I have seen, I have seen one per-cent faith-based films. It is not that many. Since I have watched so few, did I become tired of them? The answer to this is that I was ‘raised’ mostly on the mainstream fare. For a while, I did not know Christian films existed.…

Inspirational drama Miracles from Heaven (2016, USA) is life affirming and leaves a positive effect. The Beam family’s story is the kind that may engage the skeptics as well as the faithful because it is about a miracle though the former may be more critical. However, Miracles from Heaven is based on a true story. It…

There is a very high faith-based quotient in this true story, 2015’s Woodlawn. The Jesus movement Woodlawn depicts the Jesus movement in Birmingham, Alabama, circa the 1970’s. People were converting to Jesus. In Woodlawn, the movement’s scale seems amazing. In Birmingham and at Woodlawn High School there are race problems and segregation issues. The school chaplain Hank…

There’s a scene in family animation Finding Dory (2016, out now on DVD) where Dory is utterly lost. This small blue tang fish finds herself completely and utterly abandoned. The moments before there was help from her friends, but in a ‘change of tide’, she gets lost from her band of supporters. This is a moment where…

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