Life at the Movies

There is a very high faith-based quotient in this true story, 2015’s Woodlawn. The Jesus movement Woodlawn depicts the Jesus movement in Birmingham, Alabama, circa the 1970’s. People were converting to Jesus. In Woodlawn, the movement’s scale seems amazing. In Birmingham and at Woodlawn High School there are race problems and segregation issues. The school chaplain Hank…

Do giants need their own lifestyle magazine? They have their own way of doing things, that’s why. Giants have their own style, but they might need advice on doing life better. The Big Friendly Giant is a case in point. Lifestyle The Big Friendly Giant, in the fantasy family film The BFG (2016, out now…

I watched a fairly recent film on television this week. Family animation Epic (2013) reminded me how we live in a small world. But this small world has big life. Epic home garden The home garden in Epic is a small world, but a big life.  Epic’s garden contain big powers of life. Epic’s father…

The BFG (Big Friendly Giant; 2016, out now on DVD) comes with questions, but it is a journey. It’s the journey there that keeps the audience glued because we want to know the answers to the questions that we implicitly ask while watching The BFG. The first question is why Sophie is taken away by a…

The mother and son who spend time together grow together. The Guilt Trip (2012) shows us so. The Guilt Trip came out four years ago to the month. But it would be a good Mother’s Day film. Mothers and sons get together and enjoy the true observations of this comedy. Adult son, helping mother The…

There are a couple of things I’d like to hone on, but first, Arrival is about extraterrestrial visitors in twelve places across the globe. They come in black “shells”. On the ground level, the U.S. military camp on a large field. They are investigating one of the shells with the help of scientists. They can…

Superman grieves when an earthquake strikes Anyone who has gone through an earthquake won’t be thinking about the earthquake in Superman: The Movie (1978). That’s pretty much a given. (Not to denigrate in any way the experiences of people in earthquakes.) Many people have the seen the scene in Superman. In the desert, Daily Planet…

There’s a scene in family animation Finding Dory (2016, out now on DVD) where Dory is utterly lost. This small blue tang fish finds herself completely and utterly abandoned. The moments before there was help from her friends, but in a ‘change of tide’, she gets lost from her band of supporters. This is a moment where…

“You may not survive what the world puts you through…” — Heart of Gold, by Jon Gibson (from Gibson’s Body and Soul album, 1989) As Jon Gibson alludes to, there are battles in life that we won’t survive. But there is also the war which we may win. All of my previous posts about survival are…

I enjoyed Doctor Strange (2016). It takes us on a journey about the ‘spirit’. Dr. Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a witty, overly confident, self-assured neurosurgeon at the peak of his powers.     Strange is excellent at what he does. In one sequence, another surgeon has finished surgery. Strange observes that the surgeon’s work…

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