DVD movie commentary/review In a day and age of security uneasiness, what or who will save the day? Fight fire with fire or with subtlety?  James Bond is based on the Ian Fleming novels, but the issues the novels, and movies, present are as relevant today as they were yesterday, perhaps more so. The character…

DVD movie commentary It didn’t win best picture at tonight’s Academy Awards, but Mad Max Fury Road (2015, USA) took home six statuettes nevertheless, for technical achievements. It was also nominated for best picture and director. Is there more to this film than big budget special effects? What do viewers take with them, cerebrally, after…

DVD movie commentary Absurdism, existentialism, and meaninglessness forms the backdrop of films like Accident (1967, UK) and Annie Hall (1977, USA), but for me the experience of those kinds of films are incomplete. The philosophy ruined it, though cleverly conceived. Fantastic Four (2015, USA) runs in a different philosophical direction, which is more on the…

What attracted me to the first Taken (2008) film–funnily enough for an action film–is that the story revolved around real issues, the (tragic) contemporary trafficking of humans sold into slavery and prostitution. However, action films often have an issue somewhere in there, but trafficking is a subject that is rarely raised at the movies and…

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