There are two real challenges with pink-eye.  First is that it is highly contagious which creates the second challenge. Your child cannot go to school until it is cleared up.  Conjunctivitis generally starts in one eye and is then spread to the other within 2-3 days.  When working holistically it is helpful to treat both…

Many of the children coming into the world today are conscious and have no intentions of losing their consciousness. Unlike our generation and generations before, ‘children should be seen and not heard’  is a model that no longer applies. Try to apply it to today’s kids and they will meet their dismissal and suppression with…

Friday Wisdom is shared from Christine Agro’s Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition) Each Deck has 42 cards and a booklet that offer insight and guidance for parenting consciously. Expand Card #39 in The Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition) Today I drew the Expand Card. If you ever take a class with me or…

Yesterday Caidin fished a frog out of the pool. He asked me if we could keep him. I don’t like bringing animals in from the outside as I feel they have their own life and we are taking them away from it. But I figured we could keep him overnight and then return him to…

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