This is post 68 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read the posts in this series to see how.

Happy New Year to you all! I hope 2010 began on a very positive note for all of you. Today I want to encourage you to do some gardening for your life to up your chances for career opportunities, love, attracting good people, and other goodies to bloom in profusion this year.

I think of my life as a garden. It needs weeding, seeds planted, watering, and fertilizer to help it bloom in ways that I want. When you don’t tend your garden it gets out of control. When you don’t tend your thoughts and the seeds you plant, YOU feel out of control of your life. But you are–you’re attracting the negative thought. When you do plant seeds for healthy blossoms and take care of them, your life blooms in a profusion of attracting many blessings.

It’s important to be careful not to allow weeds to grow in your garden of self: criticism, pessimism, negative thoughts, disrespect, doubt, guilt, bad habits, etc.

I don’t like to have weeds in my garden! When I lived in a house, I HATED weeding but knew it was necessary to keep my garden healthy. I’d go out with my tool for pulling them out and use weed killer where possible. For all the years I lived in my house, I’d grit my teeth and go to war on the weeds. I knew if I didn’t stay on top of them, they’d eventually take over my beautiful garden. Yet back then I was a DoorMat and allowed my garden of self to be overrun with mental weeds. Insecurity and low self-esteem does that. They multiplied and kept my garden from blooming. And they kept me very unhappy.

Mental weeds get out of control if they’re allowed to stay in your garden but you can stop them. Then it’s YOUR choice to keep them alive or cut them loose.

Some weeds are pretty on the surface and may actually have flowers, which makes it harder to feel a need to get rid of them. Dandelions are pretty yet they can take over a garden very fast and are hard to get rid of once their roots go deep in the soil. In life, people may sweet talk you, act sweet and innocent but not do you right. You may think you need a romantic partner even though you get hurt regularly–but he or she knows what to say or do to keep you hanging in. You may think you must stay in your job, even if your boss is disrespectful and takes advantage of making you work overtime for no extra money.

When you reach your limit with someone’s bad behavior and they throw you a bone to make you stay, they’re still weeds. You have to decide if you want weeds in your garden.

No matter how nice someone can be to you at times, it doesn’t compensate for them hurting you or taking advantage of your kindness or messing with your head. When you let weeds stay and spread, they overpower everything. Mental weeds do that too. The longer you let them fester in your thoughts, the deeper their roots on your psyche and the stronger their hold on you. Each time you criticize yourself feeds self-criticism and starves self-esteem.

Negative thoughts and habits that you allow to prosper in your thoughts tell the Universe to help you support their affect on your outlook and what you receive.

Weed your garden so your own beauty can bloom! Awareness is a great weed controller. It helps you spot weeds (people who criticize you, bad habits, old messages, etc.) fast and eliminate them before they damage the blossoms of good self-esteem. Replace weeds with seeds of better habits and a happier outlook. Whether you want to improve your work or play life, plant whatever seeds you can to add to your life.

Seeds are doing something that could potentially create an opportunity.

Every time you send in your resume or make a call about something you’d like or network or take a class to improve a skill or get knowledge you can put to use after or make a new friend or let people know what you need, you create a potential opportunity. I send press releases when I have a new book, to many journalists. Each one is a seed I send out. Think about how seeds spread in the wind to gardens. It’s common for people to get a beautiful flower in their garden that they didn’t plant. The wind carries seeds from one garden to another. It’s the same with action seeds.

Every time you do something to advance or connect or let the world know what you’re doing or need, you give yourself another chance to bear the fruit of each seed.

The more seeds you plant, the more chances one will sprout. I sent Oprah a press kit a year before they called me to do the show. A producer held onto it and got it out when they were doing a show on people pleasing. The key to manifesting it to not get discouraged when seeds don’t sprout right away, which tells the Universe you don’t trust and puts a negative vibe on your seeds.

Expecting to see some blossoms gives you a better chance of something you need taking root.

Some seeds sprout quickly. Some need replanting if they don’t take at first. They need care, fertilizer (patience) and watering (love). Gardens require maintenance. Sometimes others try planting in my garden. These days I quickly identify the weeds quickly—those who bring me negative energy—and stay away from them. Those who care about me add colorful blooms – compliments, love, encouragement, positive ideas.

I have a wonderful resource you can take advantage of to learn tools for achieving much greater SUCCESS.

Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS magazine, is offering a SUCCESS underwritten program called Designing the Best 10 Years of Your Life–Your Strategic Plan for Achieving Lifelong Goals. The gift? It’s free! If you sign up for his blog email updates, over 8 weeks he’ll guide you through the development of a comprehensive life plan complete with all of his proprietary documents, worksheets, video and audio material–everything provided in his previous $1,500 single-day workshop. The program and complete system with all the support materials will be given away for free.

I keep repeating this–it’s FREE!

The program kicks off on Tuesday, January 5th, but anyone can join at any time. It’s a great blessing when such a smart, powerful man offers to give back. Check out his site and listen to the video he made that explains what he’s doing. I don’t usually promote stuff here but he offered it to my readers for free so I wanted to let you know about it.

So step out and tend your own garden. Use whatever tools you can to help it bloom.

I am the flower of my life. I clear weeds by letting go of old habits that keep me doing what I’d prefer not to, old messages that tell me I’m not good enough, old insecurit
ies, and people who don’t make me feel good.. Then the best, most satisfying parts of me have more room to bloom. You can be a good little gardener and control the weeds of your garden and plant new seeds. You don’t need a green thumb! Loving yourself is the best tool! Plant as many seeds for what you want as possible. Then EXPECT them to grow so the Law of Attraction can add the fertilizer! ?

See all the Law of Attraction in Action Series..

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