Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for HowDoILoveMeCover.jpgHappy Valentine’s Day! It’s a day for thinking about love, according to the media, which hammers it into us. Every store has hearts and pictures depicting romance. It’s all around us, zooming in on today as the day of love. For too many people it’s not a true day for happiness. Women put so much expectation into what they want from the guy they’re with. And the guys are stressed trying to figure out what to get that will please her enough. There’s a lot of disappointment and frustration.

Negative emotions and stress don’t say, “I love you” or “I love me.”

Meeting your own needs gets you a lot more of what you want. I buy myself flowers, but not today, since prices are jacked up. I already bought them at their normal price. But then again, I buy myself flowers regularly, to say, “I love me.” The more self-love you have on V-Day, the less you’ll expect from others. People who love themselves are much happier. And that kind happiness allows you to have a life, with or without romantic love.

While it’s fun to feel love because someone buys you things and takes you out nicely on February 14th, but it’s more satisfying to feel loved every day!

On Friday I talked about how I used to have major ouch moments on Valentine’s Day when I see men walking with flowers and I wasn’t getting them from someone. Now the ones I buy are enough. I’m whole on my own. That’s what you should be striving for. For me, all the love I get from others is dessert. I am my own main course now. I take care of me in ways the DoorMat I was couldn’t ever imagine. In the old days, I’d have been depressed on V-Day, even if I was with someone since I was usually let down in the romance department. Self-love makes it all okay for me.
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Self-love keeps you strong. Divorce is at an all time high, relationships break up, but the one you have with yourself lasts forever. Make it a good one!

Today I’m not seeing a guy I care about. I’ve been flying solo and loving it. But I will thoroughly enjoy the day. No more daggers when I see flowers go by. I buy my own. For me V-Day is an excuse to be even happier than usual by focusing on saying, “I love me!” Even if you’re in a relationship, don’t forget about loving yourself today. Do something nice just for you. Self-love rocks on Valentine’s Day!

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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