Keeping The Faith

I waited beneath the funeral canopy with drops of perspiration collecting in the small of my back. It was warm, but not particularly hot. Still, my dark suit and nerves were conspiring with the weather to suffocate me. Funerals, neckties, and mourners always raise my temperature. It’s probably due to the fact that as a…

Some concepts are almost impossible to define; words like hope, love, happiness, or faith. And while these are terms we are all familiar with – we use these words every day – we sometimes struggle to say what they really mean. They are simply too intangible and abstract to communicate properly. It is easy to find…

Churches are peculiar places. I have had the opportunity to serve a few of them. Some of my pastoral experiences have been awesome and rewarding – baptisms, weddings, the transformation of individuals and families. Some other experiences have been about as much fun as a sharp stick in the eye. And the churches which I…

There’s a proverb that says if you love something, let it go. If it returns, it’s yours. If not, well, it never belonged to you in the first place. But had my son written that little ditty it would go more like this: “If you love something and it won’t cooperate, stomp the guts out…

Several years ago, on the courthouse steps of the town in which I lived, there was a rally.  A homosexual couple in our community was seeking to become foster parents. You can imagine the kickback that erupted in a small Southern town. But it wasn’t just the members of our community who were most vocal…

Alfred DuPont came to the Florida Panhandle in the 1920s looking for a vacation home. He found and acquired a little bit more than that. After a few years of exploration DuPont owned nearly 100,000 acres of forest land stretch across Northwest Florida. And when the Great Depression struck, he used his family fortune to…

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