J Walking

As most of the readers of this blog – and yes, depite the lull in my blogging this is still my blog – know I’ve been dealing with this tumor-type object in my brain for the past five years. For the past 18 months we’ve been smacking it around with some chemo. And for 18…

Note – Most of my blogging now occurs at Culture11.com a new media company. My blog is here. It is hard to read about Miley Cyrus’ recent “issues” – in Vanity Fair, other slightly tart pics – and not fear for the road she is being tempted to walk… a road not unlike the one…

Whoever would have guessed it? The permanent Republican majority lives. For a few years now it has been a joke – Rove and Mehlman talking about a Republican movement so strong that the Democrats simply couldn’t take it down. But in 2004, after Bush’s reelection it wasn’t a joke. Republicans were making inroads with Hispanics…

I noticed the great blogalogue between NT Wright and Bart Ehrman. Ehrman writes: We live in a world in which a child dies every five seconds of starvation. Every five seconds. Every minute there are twenty-five people who die because they do not have clean water to drink. Every hour 700 people die of malaria.…

…gives the election to John McCain. I’ve taken a short break from election madness to try and see it from a different perspective – I’ve been talking to friends in Pennsylvania and non-political friends from around the country and around my block and cannot help but arrive at a single conclusion – barring some huge…

Thanks to Andrew Sullivan

Here is a beautiful, beautiful story from Friday’s Washington Post. Read it all, please. Kudos to the Post for running it. Thanks to the Pope for coming to Washington because I sense that his presence makes such talk of deeper things more acceptable, more necessary even. Would that he stayed for a while.

Found this – Steve Jobs introducing the iPod in 2001. Killer quote, “We think the Apple brand is going to be fantastic [in this space].” Yeah, think so?

Stumbled across this video introducing the iPod in 2001… Moby nails iPods success when he says that he had owned three mp3 players and didn’t know how to work any of them but then he picked up an iPod and within 35 seconds he got it. Who knew, Moby, iPod prophet?

My friend Joe Carter, who blogs at Evangelical Outpost, left this comment about Obama that I wanted to highlight because it is the polar opposite of mine… I think… Obama’s latests back-pedaling can’t be squared with his original comment. Now he says: “What I was saying is that when economic hardship hits in these communities,…

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