J Walking

My colleague Rod Dreher has written a brilliant entry about Iraq and today’s report. I encourage you to read it. Here is how it begins: Well, I’ve read as much of it as I can manage this afternoon, and it’s pretty depressing stuff. The best thing about it is that it shifts the debate away…

Arguably this isn’t the best time for me to be writing this. This just isn’t a good health day. I think day one of chemo does that to a person. Of course, this could be the perfect time so here it goes. Mary Cheney and Heather Poe, her partner of 20-years, are going to have…

Apart from not being Caucasian, not working in an office, and not answering calls, this could be me.

This from the Financial Times: Personal wealth is distributed so unevenly across the world that the richest two per cent of adults own more than 50 per cent of the world’s assets while the poorest half hold only 1 per cent of wealth… To belong to the top 1 per cent of the world’s wealthiest…

Writing for the small but influential newsletter put out by The Gathering, Ralph Reed writes about Sen. John Danforth’s book on faith and politics. Danforth argues that the Republican Party is unduly beholden to the religious right. You can read more about Danforth’s book by clicking here. Here is a snippet: What so many critics…

I notice a new piece on the Focus on the Family website called “Tempting Bitterness” by Gary Schneeburger, editor of something called Citizenlink. It is important for me to address its accusations and point out its staggering number of inaccuracies, because it is part of the continued pattern of attack and distort aimed at me…

Last week I spoke at American University. I just talked about the book — the intensely personal one I actually wrote as opposed to the purely political one some people think I wrote. Below is a note from a young woman who was there. I post these words because they are the best words I…

A Muslim is coming to the United States House of Representatives, and he wants to be sworn into office with his hand on a Koran and not on a Holy Bible. Some conservatives have decided this may well be the end of American civilization. I wish I was kidding. Wrote one conservative, “He should not…

For my interview with Busted Halo, an online magazine for spiritual seekers in their 20s and 30s, click here. Here is one of the exchanges: BH: This seems to be a theme in your life: the struggle between political differences and how they extend into the spiritual realm. You’ve been advocating in your book and…

David van Biema in Time.com has just posted a very interesting article: The Real Losers in the Obama-Warren Controversy. He says, “Rick Warren’s invitation to have Barack Obama speak at his mega-church’s AIDS conference has sparked a furor in the evangelical community. But pro-life critics of Obama’s inclusion may end up regretting their stance.” Also:…

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