J Walking

I saw The Nativity and wanted to love it and be moved by it and have my life transformed by it. Such wasn’t the case. It was fine. That, I suppose, is a view shared by most people, as the movie has not really taken off. One of the things that bothered me about the…

Opened my mail this afternoon to find a desperate fundraising plea from the Family Research Council. Plastered on the outside in big letters: “Liberals have revealed their 2007 agenda for America.” Inside, “94 percent of congressmen who stood with FRC…were reelected.” But, “Liberal politicians are more motivated than I’ve [the ‘President’s Memo’ is from Tony…

…to all those parents out there… is it wrong for a father (me) to conspire against his wife, his bride, the love of his life so he gets more of the tuck-ins of their little girl than she does? I think it is ok. I don’t read where Jesus had anything in particular to say…

Beliefnet blogs – with the exception of my colleague Rod Dreher who must be truly living right – were down all weekend through yesterday afternoon. In a way it was a bummer because I didn’t get to write, and in a way it was a blessing because I didn’t much feel like writing. My chemo…

I heard part of your interview on XM as I was driving to pick up my daughter from Kindergarten today. Thank you for what you said. Especially poignant to me was your discussion of abortion and our society’s failure to see the big picture. I was faced with this decision at age 17. God protected…

When I saw that John W. Whitehead of the controversial and Christian Rutherford Institute had written an article after the election about evangelicals and politics I figured it would be fairly predictable – Christians need to be more engaged, Republicans need to be afraid because Christians might stay home from the polls, and such. After…

Christianpost.com reports, “College student Carli Marino won this year’s “American Idol” style “Gospel Dream” talent contest with her debut album slated for 2007. “Youngest of 10 finalists, 19-year-old Marino launched her new gospel music recording career with millions of viewers watching her sing “I Surrender All” in the final sing-off Wednesday night.” I’ll have to…

My Beliefnet colleague Alana B. Elias Kornfeld is a guest blogger – a blogger of conscience on Darfur: I am Jewish and I’ve often felt an inexplicable, magical power when I am in temple and worshipping with members of my faith community. The energy a group of people praying and delighting in the celebration of…

For those of you with XM and interest my interview with Dr. Mehmet Oz (better known as simply Dr. Oz) airs today at 1pm and 7pm on channel 156. I think it was the best interview of the past several months because it was the first time I really got to explore the deeply spiritual…

Andrew Sullivan has posted a wonderful piece from a reader: go here to read it.

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