From Rod Dreher in response to my suggestion that Obama doesn’t need a big speech addressing Jeremiah Wright: Whether it’s fair to Obama or not, I think that’s whistling past the graveyard. David Broder was correct this morning when he said on Meet the Press that many people may legitimately be left wondering why Obama…

All of a sudden the blogs are silent. Those blogs that have been humming and screaming all day long about the terrible, horrible, awful, no good, very bad things that Rev. Jeremiah Wright has said are quiet. Why? Sen. Obama has silenced them with a response to the situation that is nuanced, elegant, and above…

Rev. Jeremiah Wright is just another political rorschach test. My very conservative white evangelical friends – friends who smile and say, “golly” when someone like the late Jerry Falwell said gays and abortionists and people who had them were responsible for 9/11 – are aghast, appalled, by Wright… appalled by the notion of “black empowerment,”…

Well this is something worth writing about. Today in Mississippi (I do love spelling that state), Sen. Obama smacked down Hillary Clinton’s utter arrogance at suggesting he be vice president on her ticket. “Now first of all with all due respect, with all due respect,” he said here during a town hall meeting. “I won…

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