Jesus Needs New PR

Found at! Visit this link for a list of the SIXTY worst Christian t-shirts EVER! A great post.

I went to the gym yesterday afternoon. I saw Carl (<-changed). Carl is one of my “gym friends,” which means I’m only friends with him because we go to the same gym. Carl’s a sixty-year-old retired business man who plays tennis five days a week. He’s considered one of the “good ole boys” at the…

This reminds me of a 90s workout video with Eric Nies from MTV’s “The Real World.” Remember Eric? All of his sentences began with the words “Listen,” “Whatup,” and “Yo.” Found at CN!

I want to be first. I WANT TO BE FIRST! I’m human after all. And American. “First” is a part of our culture. It’s in education, sports, career choices, and sometimes in church. But I want to be last, too. Because I’m a Christian. And I’m supposed to want to be last. Jesus said that,…

I like you, Zondervan. I usually like you a lot. But the Chunky Bible? WTF?! CHUNKY?! Really? Again, I like you. In some cases, I love you. Lots of my friends have publishing deals with you. Heck, God has had several publishing deals with you. But this was not his idea. So don’t blame him.…

Flower Power is back! And rather than focusing its attention on peace signs and Mother Nature, it’s turned its floral attention toward Jesus! EVERYBODY SING! “Turn your flower upon Jesus… “ I’m not sure about you, but I’ve always wanted a plastic flower that PRAISED Jesus! I mean, how helpful would this be? Now, whenever…

Sent to me by @WordFlyer

Sent to me from Lee!

This is painful to watch–for many reasons. Found at Abraham Piper’s blog, 22 Words.

Well, score one for the Christians [and Jews, I suppose]. And might I say, it’s about time! I mean seriously, I’ve been hearing since I was a kid that Noah’s Ark was on top of a mountain in Turkey and that the only reason we hadn’t found it yet was because of the mean ole…

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