Jesus Needs New PR

This is a picture of the slum in Santo Domingo. The slum. Look at it. Smell it. Feel it. Can you taste it? What would YOU do if you’d been born here? In the slum? In the Santo Domingo slum? What would you do? Would you stay? Would you runaway? Would you have a choice…

Two of the World Vision Dominican Republic bloggers brought their kids with them… Andrea brought T, her 10-year old son. Like a lot of 10-year-old boys, T doesn’t say much. But behind that quiet exterior is a little guy who’s soaking in all that he is seeing in the Dominican Republic… This afternoon, Andrea posted…

Wanna see God? Plant life into dirt after it’s been reborn into soil. Wanna smell God?  Chase hope around a goat pen, and when you catch it, refuse to let go when it shits on your clothes. Wanna doubt God? Get off the bus and go stand in front of an HIV-positive mother of five…

Consider receiving one such child in Jesus’s name today.

Upon arriving at Dominican Republic’s airport, Claudia, a local World Vision representative met us at the airport. Like the World Vision employees I met when I visited Uganda in January, Claudia instantly impresses me. She carries with her a presence that radiates with passion and professionalism. During the 30-minute drive from airport to the hotel,…

Trying new things… in the DR. More soon… 🙂

Pray that we see. Pray that we become responsible. Can’t wait to share this experience with you.

Those “secular people” are so funny. But it’s true; we do have good sects. 🙂

When asked, “What are guys like you doing at church on a Saturday night?” one man answers, “You don’t get AIDS here.” Oh, and you can hear a clip of Joel’s sermon, which I think is the only sermon he preaches. Watch the video. Found @ Christian Nightmares!

I leave tomorrow for Dominican Republic. The other bloggers will join me on Monday. Please check out the blogs of the five women who will be sharing this journey with me…Click on their picture to check out their blogs! Amanda Jessica (<-my beautiful wife!) Andrea Briana Jill Throughout next week, please be sure to check…

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