Well, sort of… according to some Christian fundies, the oil spill is a sign of the End Times! Of course it is. Seriously, what isn’t a sign of the End Times these days?

But this time, the fundies think the oil filling up the Gulf of Mexico looks like blood! And apparently, that’s a sign of the end…

According to Newsweek:

Some interpreters are very sure: The oil spill matches biblical prophesy and is another predictor of the end. One commenter at Godlike Productions argues that the redness of the oil seen in pictures can be interpreted as blood. “The water is tinted red from the oil … it ACTUALLY looks like blood. coincidence??? NOT!!!!” On Facebook, at least two discussion groups are devoted to mining the parallels between events in the gulf and those predicted in the bible; and in a heart-rending interview with CBS, a Louisiana minister named Theodore Turner, whose congregation is one third fishermen, said he knew it to be so. “The Bible prophesized hardships,” he said. “If we believe the word of God is true—and we do—we also know that in addition to prophesying hardships he promised to take care of us.”

Read the rest of the story here…

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