Claiming something is evangelicalism’s biggest challenge is sport for some. I’ve heard a number of items, including complementarianism, the Second Coming, and socialism. I want to register my suggestion, and I believe this idea erodes the very core of evangelicalism. It’s universalism. Evangelicalism is marked by four features: the centrality of the Bible, the cross…

I am currently reading a book by David N. Livingstone, Adam’s Ancestors: Race, Religion, and the Politics of Human Origins. David Livingstone is Professor of Geography and Intellectual History at Queen’s University, Belfast and this book reflects both of his interests. It is a readable, but thorough and academic, book looking at the history of…

A couple of times last week Scot advertised a conference on Evangelicals and the Early Church to be held next week at Wheaton College. I wish I could attend, as it looks fascinating. But one of the things I noticed immediately when Scot posted the agenda was the ratio of male to female speakers and…

Here is a very serious critique of the mainline by Walter Russell Mead, and I offer it to you for conversation. It was sent to me by a friend, an Episcopalian priest, and one who observes that too many today – and he observes that evangelicals are about a century behind the mainline in this…

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