I tweeted this two days ago: I’m embarrassed at how American Christians talk about “Europe.” Embarrassing. That tweet then appeared on my FB account and drew a conversation — some 74 comments. I appreciate the zeal of these folks; I appreciate their love for the USA; I appreciate, too, their courage to express their mind.…

This from our friend in Ireland, Patrick Mitchel, a professor and leader. He has no desire to bash the Catholic Church, but he’s as grim as many. Let me say that this is a serious, serious issue, and while I want the proper procedures to be followed in the Vatican and beyond, the focus here…

Tom Wright’s newest book, After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters , finishes off with practical suggestions of how to live out being the “royal priesthood” and living out the virtues in such a way that we become the image bearers (Eikons) God made us to be and has in mind for our future. Chp 7 examines the…

Yesterday we heard a variety of voices on what is to be liked about the new health care plan. Today we want to hear what you don’t like about it. But because of yesterday I’m going to create a few rules, and the rules are words that can’t be used.  Avoid apocalyptic pronouncements such as…

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