What happens when Pentecost happens? That’s our week’s question. What happens is that community happens? That’s our week’s answer. How does community happen? We’ll look at a third characteristic today. Again, the passage: They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled…

The recent inflagration in rhetoric, comparing Obama to socialism or Hitler and the like, is a lazy, morally inexcusable way of getting an emotional response and often carried off in the absence of concrete evidence or knowledge of actual policy. But it works, and so both sides have tried it — from Nancy Pelosi to…

We are in a conversation and discussion about John Walton’s (professor at Wheaton) new book, The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. Proposition 8 of Walton’s book, and one that can reorient everything one sees in Genesis 1: The cosmos is a temple. The ancient near east creation narratives drew…

This from this morning’s NY Times by Paul Krugman. Are these the big options for Obamacare? Let’s talk about health care around the advanced world. Every wealthy country other than the United States guarantees essential care to all its citizens. There are, however, wide variations in the specifics, with three main approaches taken. In Britain,…

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