
Can we do what the writers of scripture did?  Take the 23rd Psalm.  Classically speaking we should seek to understand all the ins and outs of the sheeping business, as many have, and we can benefit much from the metaphor of God being our shepherd. But what if we were to do what King David was doing in this passage?  David took his job, “shepherding” and applied it to his spiritual life.  If you were to write your own Psalm how would it begin? “The Lord is my…”

What about writing your own Gospel?  The Gospel writers were writing eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ.  Some wrote what they saw personally, Luke conducted a series of interviews (Lk. 1.1-3) but they were writing about actual encounters with Jesus.  Have you ever tried writing your own gospel?  What would it look like for you to take the time and write down every encounter that you can remember having with the risen Lord?  Many people wrote Gospels in the first century.  I have a journal dedicated to recording my first hand experiences with the Christ…it is my Gospel.  It may not be actual scripture but it is good news nonetheless!

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