Is it the End of the World?

Everyone wants a miracle. People from all walks of life, literally, want a miracle. Some suffer physically, others in relationships. In today’s economy, just getting through each day financially is often a catastrophic undertaking. Some people pray for miracles, others simply hope. From time to time, a legitimate miracle is available for all to see.…

We get it each presidential election cycle: campaign promises that evaporate after the party is over. This year, a particularly annoying promise is again sure to be broken. “I will move America’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem!” No, you won’t. In 1995, Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act. It required the U.S. embassy to…

This coming week, I am privileged to speak at a pro Israel seminar in California. Hosted by my great friend, Pastor Chris Quintana, the event will take place (and be live-streamed) at Calvary Chapel Cypress. Beginning Sunday evening and running through Monday (March 13 and 14), speakers include Dr. Alex Grobman, a leading Holocaust scholar;…

The so-called “Christ at the Checkpoint” conference is going on right now in Bethlehem. This of course is the biblical city where Jesus Christ was born. It was also the first seat of government for King David 3,000 years ago. Tragically, the town today is a gathering of anti-Jewish and anti-Christian Zionist propagandists who are…

A recent blurb in Relevant magazine underscores some weaknesses of the modern Church. The news item, titled “Did Archaeologists Just Find Evidence of the Real Hezekiah?” tells us that King Hezekiah’s existence is well documented in the Old Testament, but in a subtle nod to doubt, we are also told that until recently, there’s never…

In 2015, a German court convicted a former SS guard at Auschwitz of complicity in the murders of 300,000 people. At 94, the guard admitted his crimes. In the New York Times article about the trial, a remarkable tidbit surfaced: “As the judge took the court on a journey to what he described as a…

Although even some liberal Bible scholars stab at biblical history, claiming for example that the Exodus account is made-up, or that some of the patriarchs didn’t exist, time and again archaeology has confirmed the Bible’s authenticity. In Jeremiah 43, we read about the Lord’s impending judgment on Judah (the Israelites had abandoned their worship of…

About 10 miles northeast of Jerusalem sits the Israeli community of Ma’aleh Michmas. To the international community, this place is a “settlement” (emphasis on the “sssss”). In the Bible, it is mentioned in 1 Samuel, Isaiah, and Ezra. The ancient Israelites fought the Philistines there. This week, a resident of Ma’aleh Michmas fought modern enemies,…

From almost the beginning, man has been out-of-sync with his Creator. Among other things, we have different views of timing. Humans want things now. Instant gratification. We also want what we want when things get tough. As in, God, please get me out of this right now. Or at least by this afternoon! Often, though,…

Terrorism has always existed in our world. Abraham’s encounter in ancient Mesopotamia (Genesis 14) is one of the earliest recorded examples of local terrorists (tribal chiefs) kidnapping and plundering innocents. The Assyrian invasions of ancient Near East kingdoms were particularly brutal. Certain tactics used to win the American Civil War were horrific, and individuals involved…

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