Is it the End of the World?

With news late last night that President Obama had abruptly walked out on “debt ceiling” talks with the Republicans, I was reminded once again just how relevant Bible prophecy is. For many years, scoffers who made Bible prophecy teachers the butt of jokes mocked the observations made by these teachers. Among these observations was the…

One of the fun things I get to do in my study of Bible prophecy is connect with friends who are on the cutting-edge of research. As a matter of fact, far from being the wild-eyed fanatics that critics allege, most of the people who look to the Bible for answers about the future are…

Thirty-five years ago today, America celebrated its bicentennial; I remember the day vividly. I remember it so well for a different reason than you might imagine. I woke up that morning to hear my parents talking about something that had happened very far away. A week before, terrorists had hijacked an Air France jetliner and…

“For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” (Isaiah 65:17) I found out yesterday that an acquaintance is riddled with cancer. He found out only a few days ago, and has been given a very short time to live. His wife, who…

Upon returning from a trip to Israel recently, I reflected on what I’d seen, and what is going on in the world. Clearly, the Arab-Israeli conflict is a focal point for the international community. And, usually, the news is bad. There are, however, positive things going on. As usual, I felt very safe and energized…

One of my favorite things to do is study Bible prophecy. A fascinating outcome of that is observing that so many people in our world today miss the fact that prophecies are being fulfilled at an astonishing rate. While I enjoy studying “eschatology,” I also love to read about origins issues. I am not a…

We live in turbulent times, for sure. I think we can all agree on that. For many, Bible prophecy is a fringe worldview. That’s okay; we are all entitled to our own views. Yet, with so many odd and frightening things going on in the world today, I wonder: do you think it’s the end…

Rob Bell, the wildly popular pastor from Grand Rapids, Michigan, has made news lately. His new book, Love Wins, presents a “progressive” view of hell. I don’t want to comment on Bell or his book per se, but rather point out that the biblical setting for “hell” is an actual place. Often, people are not…

There is an interesting “debate” going on within the evangelical Church today, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I wind up on the losing side. In years past, the concept known as “Kingdom Now” was somewhat confined to the Pentecostal world. In short, Kingdom Now means that we should work to build the Kingdom of…

My enthusiastic (and unsolicited!) endorsement of Barry Werth’s book, Banquet at Delmonico’s is prompted because it is so relevant to eschatology, the study of “last things.” Christ and the apostles warned regularly that the latter days of history would be marked by, among other things, a departure from the faith. Werth’s research into the spread…

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