Is it the End of the World?

And I bless those blessing thee, and him who is disesteeming thee I curse, and blessed in thee have been all families of the ground. (Genesis 12:3) When one looks at Scripture, then looks at world history, the Bible makes a lot of sense. So does our world. Genesis 12:3 is one of the most…

In the Bible’s Book of Revelation, the 13th chapter, we read—if one supposes this figure is yet future—a description of a world leader who will be so fearsome, he will make mass murderers Hitler and Stalin look like amateurs. Interestingly, a key feature of this person, whom conservative Bible scholars identify as THE antichrist, will…

I just returned from a terrific Christian conference, Future Congress ( This was a gathering of conservative Christian thinkers, including several who teach Bible prophecy. Although some in the Church refer to us as espousing “escapist eschatology,” I find that conservative commentators who believe in the validity of Bible prophecy are quite lucid and articulate.…

Speaking on the subject of Bible prophecy in a church last night, I was reminded again that Bible-believing Christians are not the bumpkins their critics make them out to be. There was a lively and sophisticated set of questions for me after the talk. Truly, Bible-believing Christians to do not “check their brains at the…

I attended my 30th class reunion this past weekend. It was just down the street from an old army surplus store that I used to frequent with my father; it was one of our hobbies—cruising junk stores. Dad has been gone for 30 years, so it was somewhat like closing a circle. Walking back to…

The announcement today that Glenn Beck’s previously announced, weird event at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, has been moved due to security concerns…is weird. But welcome. Why the popular populist announced in the first place that he’d hold a pro Israel rally at the highly sensitive site is beyond me. I’ve been there three times, but it’s…

With news that the Palestinians might appeal to the United Nations this fall for an upgrade to full member status, we can see a Bible prophecy theme emerging. For many years, Bible prophecy teachers and students did not see the possibility that a Palestinian state could be established. Why? Because of the prophetic passages that…

(The following post came from a conversation with my wife, Dianna—she reluctantly agreed to pen some thoughts because I don’t believe in plagiarism! She understands people and their afflictions. I thought her observations blend well with the theme of this blog. After all, Bible prophecy is really about promises from God. Jesus Christ, who claims…

I am speaking at the Future Congress conference in Branson, Missouri next weekend, and one of my topics is “Did Zechariah Predict Nuclear War?” Now, you’ll either have to attend or get the obligatory dvd to fully understand my answer to this question, but for now, I have an assignment for you: read the 14th…

I had a glorious weekend speaking at a church in the upper Midwest. The historic church where I spoke has a history steeped-in the Abolitionists and folks who escaped Europe, looking for religious freedom. They were pious and tough. I was also blessed by a member of the congregation with the gift of the church’s…

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