Although a devotion to Christianity is often required in modern-day American politics, one of its central teachings, to love your enemy, is overlooked. Former President Bill Clinton has commented on the virulence of the political atmosphere that seemed to drastically increase during his time in office. Instead of winning against your opponent, he observed, the…

Last month, on June 25, we (Intent) had the opportunity to lead a public group meditation at Union Square in San Francisco. Over 250 people were present, and for ten minutes we sat in silence with our eyes closed amidst the chaos and flow of tourists, shoppers, cable cars and traffic (SEE VIDEO BELOW): For the people…

A few weeks ago the highly publicized atheist Christopher Hitchens wrote a letter to an annual convention of atheists justifying his position. Hitchens has based his career on being a gadfly, and he’s an articulate, combative one who is widely read and noticed. Along with many others, I wondered how he would respond to the…

When angry mullahs and oil despots want to stir up anger against the West, “Crusade” is an inflammatory term that comes automatically to their lips. The memory of Christian knights invading the Arab world is very long. The height of the Crusades ended seven centuries ago. But it’s not history that is at stake. Embedded…

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