An outspoken band of atheists has chalked up an impressive record of articles, best-selling books, and wide public recognition. To buttress their arguments against the existence of God, leading anti-religionists like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins have borrowed the prestige of science. Which makes for a clean and simple dichotomy. Religion is irrational, bound up…

By Deepak Chopra, Special to CNN For most people, science deserves its reputation for being opposed to religion. I’m not thinking of the rather noisy campaign by a handful of die-hard atheists to demote and ridicule faith. Continue Reading: CNN: My Take: Science and Spirituality Should be Friends

By Mallika Chopra, Founder Of A few days ago, while flying back to LA from New Delhi, I sat in the airport lounge at the Dubai airport. On the television in front of us footage of protesters being shoved by authorities in Libya played. Just 8 days before, while flying from LA to Delhi,…

The scientific world went into spasms last week when a Nobel laureate announced that he had, in effect, teleported DNA. That was the sound bite, but of course the story was more complicated. A French team headed by Luc Montagnier, previously known for his work on HIV and AIDS, took two test tubes, one of…

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