“In every relationship, we have a choice: to choose love or separation, to choose for love or to choose for hate or fear.” — Margaret Wheatley, IN SWEET COMPANY: CONVERSATIONS WITH EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN ABOUT LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE Piece of Advice # 3: A crucial time in every relationship is the period when  the initial…

“The only way to restore harmony is to act with wisdom, integrity, stability and dignity.” — Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, IN SWEET COMPANY: CONVERSATIONS WITH EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN ABOUT LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE January 14 th, soon after the shooting in Arizona, i published a blog that bears clarification. I wrote, “I once heard it said that…

“…  one of our great strengths as human beings is our ability to move on.”  — Zainab Salbi,  IN SWEET COMPANY: CONVERSATIONS WITH EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN ABOUT LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE Good things come in small packages. Like the Spiritual Diary, a collection of inspiring thoughts — one for each day of the year — from…

“I think spirituality is also about the reconciliation of opposites. It’s about diving deep inside yourself beyond the polarities to a place of unity where everything holds together.”  — Sister Helen Prejean, IN SWEET COMPANY: CONVERSATIONS WITH EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN ABOUT LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE Many years ago, I somehow came across the words of R.…

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