Writing to an invisible audience, sweeping your heart out into a boundless Universe not knowing who is listening to it beat or whether the thump will be embraced or cast aside, is a courageous act. Fortunately for me, at some point during the writing of my last book, In Sweet Company: Conversations With Extraordinary Women About Living A Spiritual Life (Jossey Bass), I became aware of an invisible listening presence around me, a group of like-minded souls who urged me onward and supported me as I wrote. This was no woo-woo affair. No visions or voices or sugarplums danced round my head but rather a subtle embrace that nested beneath my conscious awareness. Then one day, a few months after ISC was published, I was in Houston giving a workshop based on the book and I suddenly became aware I was meeting – and would continue to meet—those who, on a soul level, had been helping me birth this book. I was, nor had I ever been, nor would I ever be, alone.


Since that time, I have met my “posse” at conferences, in workshops I’ve led, in bookstores, via my website, email, and e-newsletter, on Facebook and through this blog. Knowing you are out there has made it very easy to write to an invisible audience because, on the deepest level, I see you – and I know you see me. I have blogged about things that help to develop this kind of relationship with and confidence in the Unseen for I believe putting ourselves out there in this crazy world really is a courageous act — whether we are a writer or not. We all need to know we are heard. We all need to know we are loved. We all need to make a contribution.


Thus, in this my last blog for Beliefnet.com, I want to thank you for reading what I wrote – for your comments, for the smiles that cross your faces and the nods of your heads that occur when something I write resonates with you. I have a wonderful new book I am putting the finishing touches on, and a million other thoughts that will surely stream through my e- newsletter to share with you. Should you want to keep in touch, please email me at [email protected].

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