My faith in the future is mostly based on what I’ve seen happen in the past. When I make plans about this year and next, my memories have a lot to contribute to the conversation. I’m sure you’re the same. We all base our beliefs and what we know without question on our experiences. I’ve…

“I should be a better mother.” “I should be in that corner office.” “I shouldn’t feel this way. It’s wrong.” The deadly “should’s” of life… They place little bars of expectation over our heads — telling us what we need to have or how we need to behave in order to be perfect. I agree…

I thought I was out of wedding season, but after New Years, I found many friends getting engaged and planning their nuptials. I see lots of bridal magazines, countdowns and conversations about the many, many different shades of white. My Facebook page glitters with smiling couples and flashy rings. They know something good is about…

Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone. ~ Maya Angelou I’m not entirely sure how I got to be so independent. I come from a fairly involved family, and my upbringing was monitored and supported by my parents and older brothers. I’ve always had assistance, even when I didn’t ask for it. Yet,…

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