Celebrities from all over Hollywood are joining together to make a difference in the lives of children in need by participating in Red Nose Day 2017. Red Nose Day is an annual fundraising event that raises money for charities driven to end child poverty – one “nose” at a time. Christian organizations that receive funding and…

One of our editors Stephen Russ put together this fun gallery of great break-up songs. I know I’ve utilized the power of these tunes to help me get over lame relationships. If you need to be empowered, check it out! 20 Best Break-Up Songs This was my suggestion. I love this Jewel song because it…

I encountered Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven) last year when I was on a kick with audio books from the library. I listened to it all in one sitting one afternoon. It’s a really good book. As with all Albom books, it’s very…

Just a few of my favorite things are colliding this Sunday. First of all, we all know that Oprah has her own TV network now. Literally, it’s called OWN. This Sunday, they are featuring “Super Soul Sunday”, television programming dedicated to nourishing the mind, body and spirit. From 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Eastern /…

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