A toddler in Sacramento, California has been dubbed “Tiny Hawk” after doing some serious shredding at a local skate park.

Two year old Brody Alexzandr was introduced to skateboarding when his family decided to pick up a hobby to keep busy during quarantine. Brody’s dad, Shayne Dillynger had lost his job working in the food industry.

Brody spends at least five hours a day on his skateboard every day, and the toddler has no plans to slow down any time soon.

“Being by his side watching his progression is just absolutely amazing,” Brody’s dad said.

In a video posted on TikTok, Brody can be seen skateboarding through the streets of Sacremento alongside his dad. As he picked up speed through the busy streets, you wouldn’t believe the incredible skills the toddler has on the board.

Brody received the name “Tiny Hawk” from social media followers after videos of the toddler skateboarding were posted online. His videos have gone viral on TikTok, bringing in well over a million likes from people all over the world.

The toddler’s videos are just what the world needed during the uncertainty stemming around the pandemic, and his parents couldn’t be more proud.

Mom and Dad say the adventurers of Tiny Hawk doesn’t stop here, the family is looking forward to trading in Brody’s skateboard for a snowboard this winter.

Tinky Hawk can be seen shredding it in the city here.






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