raise-3338589_640 (1)Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions when it comes to fighting off depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, few people make a habit of being thankful. Instead, most people prefer to focus on what is wrong with their lives and complain. If you find you are stuck in a complaining rut or simply want to spice up your own gratitude practices a little, here are some easy ways to incorporate more thankfulness in your life.


Appreciate the Little Things

Most of life takes place in the little moments that too many people ignore. You may not have won the lottery today, but you still have a lot to be thankful for each day. Be grateful for a cup of coffee, a safe commute to and from work or your spouse’s smile after a long day at work. Being thankful for the little things makes a big difference in the long run.


Start a Gratitude Journal

If you want to make sure you think of something to be grateful for each day, start a gratitude journal or blessing jar. Pick up a new notebook or a clean jar and put them somewhere you will see them every day. Then, either first thing in the morning or last thing at night, write down something you are grateful for in the notebook or on a piece of paper to put in the jar. Then, you can review your thankfulness notes at the end of the year.


Write Thank You Notes

Thank you notes have largely gone out of style, but they are a habit worth reviving. When you receive a gift or even just have a good time with your friends, tell them you are thankful for the gift or their time. You can write a nice note on stationary or even just send a quick email expressing your gratitude. It will not take long, but it can make a big difference in both your life and that of your friend.


Be Thankful For Yourself

Most people only think about themselves either in a greedy sense or to berate themselves for being too stupid, too fat, too lazy, too this or that. Instead, be thankful for who you are and what you can do. If you have a healthy body, be thankful for that. If you have a sound mind, be grateful you do. Even if you feel you have nothing to be grateful for, remember that today was a day your heart beat and your lungs breathed. You are alive. Not everyone is.


Practicing gratitude does not have to require long hours of meditation or complex rituals. Something as simple as taking a deep breath when you open the curtains in the morning or jotting down a sentence at night can make a whole world of difference. So, what are you thankful for today?

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